Computer Music: MUSC 216
Computer Music Software
Here is a list of computer music software which will be
available for use in the Electronic
Classroom along with links to downloads, info, support, etc.
Additive Synthesis
FM Synthesis
Amadeus II
A more complete list of links to computer music software
can be found on the Computer
Music Links page.
Check out PLUM
(Programming Languages Used for Music).
Check out CCRMA's
Computer Music
Software page (Stanford Univ.).
Check out Tom Erbe's Computer
Music Software page (CalArts).
JSYD is an instrument editor and software synthesizer by Jim Bumgardner.
It has a graphical "patch cord" interface, and is relatively easy
to use, compared to other music languages. It is particularly suitable
for teaching computer music. Both Macintosh and Windows versions are
SYD Central. (JSYD
homepage) Includes downloads for MAC and PC versions, documentation
and tutorials.

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Amadeus II
Amadeus II is a powerful tool designed to manipulate, create
and analyze sounds. The release available on this page offers
a lot of useful features like for example Very fast direct-to-disk
abilities. This allows you to manipulate sounds of any size without
running out of memory if there is enough disk space left. Multiple
undoing and multiple scraps.
- Full Mp3 support, thanks to the integration of the LAME
ancoding engine.
- Powerful repair function that allows to search the sound for cracks
and eliminate them.
- Extensive support of markers, which facilitate navigation through
huge sounds.
- A "Selection" menu provides a lot of functions that
allow to control the selection in a very precise way. This greatly
facilitates the editing of a document.
- Long processes can be interrupted during their execution; several
processes can be launched at the same time.
- Support of many compression formats (MACE, a-Law, mu-Law,...)
and sound qualities (24Bits, four channels...)
- High-resolution sonograms, Multiband RTA, Waterfall display,
3-D Spectrums, etc.
Version 3.2 has the following new functions:
- New user interface.
- Runs on MacOS X.
- New denoising function.
- Support of variable bitrate Mp3 encoding.
- Support of the new Ogg Vorbis file encoding format.
- Exporting of markers as cuepoints in WAVE and AIFF files.
- Support of the SoundDesigner II file format.
- New stereo utilities.
- VST plugins are now supported.
Runs only on PowerPC Macintosh compatible machines with MacOS
8.6 or later and CarbonLib 1.0.4 or later. Don't try to use on
Windows or Unix machines!!
Amadeus II homepage.

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